About Me

I am a PhD Student at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) co-advised by Professors Elizabeth Belding and Arpit Gupta. My current interest lies at the intersection of computer networks, internet measurement, and machine learning, further supported by my receipt of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP). I aim to build large-scale and scalable systems that have practical applications in both industry and academia.

My overall goal is to study the three critical dimensions of internet broadband: availability, affordability, and quality. I have explored broadband availability through my SIGCOMM’24 paper on assessing ISP deployment in the United States. Currently, I am working on characterizing broadband quality using foundation models and speed test measurements.

For more about my work in data-driven policymaking, visit our project webpage.

Feel free to explore my work, and don’t hesitate to reach out for collaborations or discussions (email: hmanda@ucsb.edu) !

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